Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Maiden Voyage

Welcome to my first ever blog posting for my first ever blog!  I suppose the protocol for inaugural blog posts probably includes a little bit of information about the poster, so I'll start there. 

My name is Kate, I call Michigan my home and I undoubtably love to travel.  You know those feelings of strangeness and unfamiliarity and you get when you arrive at a foreign place?  I crave them.  I certainly don't get to sate those cravings as often as I would like, but I have nonetheless been very fortunate in my travel opportunities thus far. 

In addition to travel, another passion of mine is the study of history.  When I visit a place, I feel compelled to make an effort to understand its historical background.  A better understanding of history allows me to more deeply experience the character of a locale, making the impression left on me all the more poignant and memorable.

So, in summary, if you expect to see my future posts chock-full of interesting and historically relevant commentary about my real and aspirational voyages, you hopefully won't be surprised.  In fact, I hope you are pleasantly entertained and informed.

Thank you for reading.


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